About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Lezing van Elham Puriyamehr
Avondsalons rond de expositie Speaking from the Heart (2013)
Speaking from the Heart, Amsterdam, 22 oktober 2013
Expositie: Speaking from the Heart. Rondleiding door Soheila Najand
Expositie: Speaking from the Heart, Framer Framed. Voordracht van Nafiss Nia
Solmaz Mahmoudi en Nafiss Nia tijdens Vertoning Daughters of Malakeh (8 oktober 2013)
Solmaz Mahmoudi en Nafiss Nia tijdens Vertoning Daughters of Malakeh (8 oktober 2013)

27 Sep –
10 Nov 2013

Programme 'Speaking from the Heart'

Curated by Framer Framed Loaction Castrum Peregrini Herengracht 401 1017 BP, Amsterdam

October 8 – Screening of Daughters of Malakeh
Screening of the documentary, Daughters of Malakeh (2011, 60 min). A documentary about two sisters in Iran and the dilemmas they face within their desire to give shape to their own identity and personal lives. The screening is followed by a Q&A with the directors Jet Homoet and Sharog Heshmat Manesh. Solmaz Mahmoudi (political scientist and feminist activist) en Nafiss Nia (journalist and filmmaker) will elaborate on the position of women in public and private live and the influence of feminism in Iran. The evening will be hosted by Naeeda Aurangzeb.

October 15 – Lecture on the contemporary, political situation in Iran
19:00h Tour through the exhibition by Soheila Najand (artist, scolar and director Inter Art). Please reserve at: mail@castrumperegrini.nl
20:00h Lecture by scholar and author Peyman Jafari, on social movements in Iran and the contemporary political situation after the recent elections. Peyman Jafari is author of Het andere Iran: van revolutie tot vandaag (Amsterdam, 2009).

October 22 – On the Dutch Iranian links
Evening organized in collaboration with On File, an organisation for journalists and writers who are refugees based in Amsterdam, with a presentation byAsghar Seyed Ghorab (Senior Lecturer on Persian language and literature at Leiden University) and Bahman Bahmani, author of Vluchten als keuze(2013) and Shervin Nekuee (sociologist and author). Concluded with a musical performance by Ali Safavian.

October 29 – Presentation on street art and the politics of the public space
19:00h Tour through the exhibition by Soheila Najand (artist, scolar and director Inter Art). Please reserve at: mail@castrumperegrini.nl
20:00h Lecture by author, filmmaker and journalist, Eefje Blankevoort, on the history of street art and it’s appropriation by different social groups. Eefje Blankevoort is the author of Stiekem kan hier alles (2007).

November 2 – Museumnacht with theatre, poetry, dance and literature
On Museumnacht many of the museums in Amsterdam remain open at night, offering a live and diverse program in their venues. At Castrum Peregrini poet, filmmaker and journalist, Nafiss Nia, will recite from her own work accompanied by Solmaz Mahmoudi on tar. Alireza Keymanesh will present a live dance performance.

November 5 – Inter Act Theatre
19:00h Tour through the exhibition by Soheila Najand (artist, scolar and director Inter Art). Please reserve at: mail@castrumperegrini.nl
20:00h Inter Act Theatre theater company will present a 45 minutes theater piece they have been working on both in Amsterdam and Tehran. Performance byAlireza Keymanesh. Regie by Nasrin Ghasemzadeh.

November 9 – Finissage Talk
A talk by Tehran based curator, Elham Puriamehr, on the non- profit Institute for Curatorial Practice in Iran (ICPI) which brings artists, curators, and arts professionals together to develop a responsive curatorial practice that supports the best from the contemporary and emerging fields of visual culture.

Iran /


Masoumeh Mozafari, Heatstroke, 2 paintings 100 x 100cm. Foto Cas Bool

Exhibition: Speaking from the Heart - The Polemic Sensibility from Iran

Curated by Shaheen Merali


Museumnacht: Atelier Revolutionair
Programme with lectures, interventions, music and performances.
