About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Architect Arna Mačkić outside the structure of her exhibition design, From what will we reassemble ourselves (2020). Photo: © Maarten Nauw / Framer Framed. Photo: © Maarten Nauw / Framer Framed
From what will we reassemble ourselves (2020). Photo: © Eva Broekema / Framer Framed
Arna Mackic exhibition design 'From what will we reassemble ourselves' (2020), foto: Eva Broekema / Framer Framed
'Tijdelijk Monument - Srebrenica is Nederlandse geschiedenis' (2020), van Bosnian Girl op de Oranje-Vrijstaatkade tegenover Framer Framed, Amsterdam. Foto: © Eva Broekema / Framer Framed
'Tijdelijk Monument - Srebrenica is Nederlandse geschiedenis', van Bosnian Girl op de Oranje-Vrijstaatkade tegenover Framer Framed, Amsterdam (2020). © Maarten Nauw / Framer Framed
'Tijdelijk Monument - Srebrenica is Nederlandse geschiedenis' (2020), van Bosnian Girl op de Oranje-Vrijstaatkade tegenover Framer Framed, Amsterdam. Foto: © Betul Ellialtioglu / Framer Framed

Arna Mačkić

Arna Mačkić is an architect and co-founder of Studio L A and the former head of Architectural Design at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy. Mačkić’s projects often relate to inclusion and exclusion mechanisms, refugees, collective identity and public domain. She aims to use architecture as a connecting voice, healing the wounds of the past without brushing away its scars which is the subject of her book, Mortal Cities & Forgotten Monument (Park Books, 2016). She was one of the candidates of Prix de Rome 2022 Architecture.

Mačkić is part of Bosnian Girl, a collective which campaigns for an inclusive historiography and commemoration of the Srebrenica genocide in the Netherlands. Since 2019, she has been in the Editorial board member of Architectuur Jaarboek and Supervisory Board Member of Jan Van Eyck Academie in Maastricht.

Arna Mačkić designed the architectonic installation for the exhibition From what will we reassemble ourselves (2020), conceived by Anna Dasović and curated by Natasha Marie Llorens at Framer Framed, Amsterdam.

Photo: © Maarten Nauw / Framer Framed.


Exhibition: Temporary Monument - Srebrenica is Dutch history

By Bosnian Girl

Exhibition: From what will we reassemble ourselves

A group exhibition conceived by Anna Dasović and curated by Natasha Marie Llorens


Symposium: Stressing Solidarity - Witnessing Palestine through Art and Architecture
A symposium on Palestinian art and cultural heritage initiated by the Teach-in Series workgroup of the Amsterdam School of Cultural Analysis
Opening: From what will we reassemble ourselves & Temporary Monument
Double Exhibition Opening with Anna Dasović and Natasha Marie Llorens
