About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

De vooringenomen blik in samenwerking met Debatcentrum Lux (Nijmegen) en InterArt (Arnhem).

22 Oct 2009 – 20:00

The Slanted View


Ticket Reservations Recommended


Start 8:00 PM

Admission free


Debate Centre Lux

Mariënburg 38-39

NL-6511 PS Nijmegen



+31 900 589 46 36




The Slanted View is realized in cooperation with Debate Centre Lux (Nijmegen) and InterArt (Arnhem).


People generally look at the world around them through their personal frame of cultural reference. Customs, traditions and ideas about beauty in large part stem from education and surroundings. This is also true for the interpretation and experience of visual art. The Dutch museumgoer’s view of art is generally determined by western artistic criteria. How can we learn to value artistic expressions from different cultures? How would this affect our personal opinions and notions about art?


The debate is introduced by Simon Njami. Njami is a French art critic with roots in Cameroon and he is the founder of Revue Noire magazine. Njami was the first curator of the Africa pavilion at the 52nd Biennial of Venice (2007).


Simon Njami – Independent Lecturer, Art Critic, Novelist, Essayist;
Bambi Ceuppens – Researcher, linguist, Historian, Social Anthropologist;
Wouter Welling – Curator, Publicist;
Christiane Berndes – Curator.

Debate leader is Ruben Maes.


As part of the debate a video report about Oumar Mbengue Atakosso‘s Post-modern Immigrant will be shown. Artist Amal Kenawy (Egypt) will be staging a performance art piece.


Simon Njami

Independent Curator, Art Critic, Novelist, Essayist

Wouter Welling

Curator, Publicist

Bambi Ceuppens

Researcher, Historian, Social Anthropologist

Christiane Berndes
