Over de rol van kunst in een globaliserende samenleving

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Unfixed: Photography and Postcolonial Perspectives in Contemporary Art. Sara Blokland & Asmara Pelupessy (eds) Jap Sam Books

Publicatie: UNFIXED - Photography and Postcolonial Perspectives in Contemporary Art

UNFIXED: Photography and Postcolonial Perspectives in Contemporary Art This book is the self-standing and concluding platform of a project that included an artist-residency, exhibition, workshop and symposium. The book expands the project through the voices and visions of new contributors – featuring original visual and textual essays addressing such topics as memory, visual sovereignty, self-representation, advertising, archives, vernacular practice, landscape and cultural protocols. Initiated and edited by Sara Blokland and Asmara Pelupessy, UNFIXED examines photography in postcolonial perspective through the varied and critical positions of an international group of writers, artist and scholars working within contemporary art, photography and cultural analysis. Photography’s attraction as a medium, its historical connection to the production and fixation of identity, and the urgency of debates over heritage, migration, globalization, national identity and culture, have inspired UNFIXED.

      Sara Blokland, Asmara Pelupessy [ed.] ISBN 978-94-90322-29-8

      Published by

      UNFIXED Projects and Jap Sam Books (2012)
      Graphic design
      Yvonne van VersendaalPrice €29.50

Contributions by
Kobena Mercer (1960 UK), Keith Piper (1960 UK), Otobong Nkanga (1974 NG/FR), Hank Willis Thomas (1976 US), Charif Benhelima (1967 BE), Naro Snackey (1980 NL), Hulleah Tsinhnahjinnie (1954 US), Andrea Stultiens (1974 NL), Pamela Pattynama (1958 NL), Yamini Nayar (1975 US), Sandim Mendes (1986 NL), Habda Rashid (1971 UK), Terry Kurgan (ZA), Vandy Rattana (1980 KH), Lizza May David (1975 DE), Natalie Robertson (1962 NZ), Kaddu, Wasswa John (1933 UG), Arthur Conrad Kisitu (1975 UG).

Fotografie / Koloniale geschiedenis /


Sara Blokland

Kunstenaar, curator

Asmara Pelupessy

Curator, auteur
