Lifepatch is a citizen initiative in art, science, and technology. It is a multidisciplinary organisation in a form of community. As a citizen initiative, Lifepatch invites its members and anyone who is willing to work in collaboration to investigate, examine, and develop their surroundings through art, science, and technology approaches. Lifepatch works within the spirit of Do It Yourself (DIY) and Do It with Others (DIWO) to push a new systems and methods among the community and to widen the networking.
Lifepatch is one of the participants of the exhibition On the Nature of Botanical Gardens (2020), curated by Sadiah Boonstra at Framer Framed, Amsterdam. For the exhibition Lifepatch developed a two-channel video work commissioned by Framer Framed based on Lifepatch ingoing research on the traditional medicine and healing practices of the Batak on Sumatra. Hundreds of pustaha, books containing knowledge of these practices were taken from Sumatra during colonial rule and brought to European libraries. Lifepatch’s videos Spectacular Healing (2019) depict the ways in which these traditional methods and ways of understanding nature are still being used today.
Lifepatch members Agung “Geger” Firmanto and Agus “Timbil” Tri Budiarto tell more about their work in the online Artist Talk. In 2024, Lifepach contributed to Errant Journal No. 5 – Learning from Ancestors.

Exhibition: On the Nature of Botanical Gardens
Contemporary indonesian perspectives by nine Indonesian artists
Launch: Errant Journal #5, Learning from Ancestors
Errant Journal is a concept by Irene de Craen, realised in collaboration with Framer Framed
Artist Talk: On the Nature of Botanical Gardens
With the participation of: Zico Albaquni, Arahmaiani, Lifepatch members Agung ‘Geger’ Firmanto and Agus 'Timbil' Tri Budiarto, along with the curator Sadiah Boonstra.

Report: On the Future of Botanical Gardens