25 Nov 2023
17:00 - 21:00
We Sell Reality Herdenking #1: Soedan - When Clouds Are Moving
Join us for When Clouds Are Moving, the first of a series of memorials organised by art collective We Sell Reality. This programme is within the framework of Refresh #2: War & Conflict by Amsterdam Museum, and in collaboration with Framer Framed and many different partners in the city. Through this series of memorials, We Sell Reality aim to bring people together in order to process and grieve the impact of war, conflict and violence.
The first memorial of the series by We Sell Reality is dedicated to the current war in Sudan. Since the war started on 15 April 2023, this war has taken a grip on the collective. In their own words, We Sell Reality writes:
“Some of our team members are from Sudan and their family members were forced to flee their houses and some of their friends have been killed. The whole infrastructure in Sudan collapsed, there is no work, no money, no safety, no future prospects. The media stopped reporting about this war, but for our members it is still a daily reality. They are worried about their friends and families; they are sending them money to keep them alive, and they deal with the feeling of guilt, because they are safe, but their loved ones are not. This feels lonely.
They walk around with the war in their minds and in their bodies, but around them everyone just continues their lives as if nothing is going on. There are many more people feeling the exact same way. Therefore, We Sell Reality would like to organise the memorial. To come together, to share these feelings, to think collectively about what we can do from here, to hold each other. The memorial also wishes to make people aware that we are here and therefore the war in Sudan is here as well. We want to inform people and get them engaged, as this is the world we share.
We invite all the Sudanese diaspora and everyone else who wants to know and understand more to join us. Don’t feel shy if you are not familiar with the rituals. We will welcome you, guide you and appreciate your presence very much.”
Memorial #1: Sudan – When Clouds Are Moving
25 November, 17:00 – 21:00
Framer Framed
Walk in from 16:30. The memorial will start with collective praying, followed by a Koran reading and a collective discussion about what we can do from here. After that we will have dinner at the same time as a dinner will be distributed among a group of refugees in Sudan.
Please join us at the other memorials around the city:
Memorial #2: Ethiopia – And The Air Is Burning
3 December, 17:00 – 21:00
Sexyland World
Walk in from 16:30
Memorial #3: Time, Space & Death – In The Silence Of Cosmic Winds
9 December, 20:00 – 22:00
Amsterdam Museum
Walk in from 19:30

Image courtesy of We Sell Reality
Refresh Amsterdam
How does past violence affect your life in the present? What do you pass on to future generations? Refresh Amsterdam #2 includes works by 20 artists from different disciplines, selected through an open call. Through their work, they demonstrate how wars and conflicts around the world and over time play a part in the city of Amsterdam. Refresh Amsterdam is a biennial, interdisciplinary manifestation of Amsterdam’s urban culture. This second edition is organised together with more than twenty cultural institutions in Amsterdam, with the collective We Sell Reality as the main partner.
We Sell Reality
We Sell Reality is a socially defiant label founded by a collective. We Sell Reality reflects on the paradox of borders that are closed for some, while open for others. For migrants who are not wealthy, the European borders are almost impossible to cross. The position of dependence that some end up in as a result is made visible by We Sell Reality. The We Sell Reality team develops products and presentations aimed at offering an insight into the lives of refugees.
Collectieven / Community & Learning / Conflict / Diaspora /
We Sell Reality: Soedan
Een bijeenkomst in solidariteit met de Soedanese demonstranten