Over de rol van kunst in een globaliserende samenleving

Framer Framed

Sethembile Msezane, Chapungu-The Day Rhodes Fell (2015) Sethembile Msezane - Chapungu-The Day Rhodes Fell (2015)

30 Aug 2016 – 20:00

The Story Might Not Be Complete

In trying to unpack the historical narratives of the ties between South Africa and the Netherlands, entrenched structural challenges are still evident, today. In this evening conversation, we will explore the ways in which women of colour, living and working in different locations, use the archive to pursue positionalities and narratives erased from the great Dutch historical canon.

With the contribution and inclusion of voices such as:
– Jennifer Tosch, Founder of Black Heritage Tours
– Toni Stuart, writer & poet
– Tazneem Wentzel, artist and member of Burning Museum Collective

This event is moderated by Palesa Motsumi, Sematsatsa Library.

The discussion is an attempt to make sense of the ongoing political sensibilities evident in South Africa-born movements such as #RhodesMustFall, #FeesMustFall and in much of the works of other groups of women artists, some of whom have been quite outspoken about black people’s experiences as well as their own.

On moderator Palesa Motsumi:
Palesa Motsumi (29) is the Founder of Sematsatsa Library, a social events initiative focused on empowering and strengthening the rich imagery and work of women of colour in the creative industries. She is a writer, communications practitioner by training and has worked as Art consultant for various artists in the past. Her writing has mostly been featured in independent publications related to life in South Africa’s urban spaces and is currently working on her first non-fiction book, titled Mantsho.

Het levende archief / Gedeeld erfgoed / Koloniale geschiedenis /


Expositie: Re(as)sisting Narratives

Over de gedeelde koloniale geschiedenis tussen Zuid-Afrika en Nederland. Curator: Chandra Frank


Jennifer Tosch

Toni Stuart. Photo: (c) Amaal Said

Toni Stuart

Dichter, performer, educator

Chandra Frank

Curator, onderzoeker en schrijver
