26 Sep 2024
11:00 - 19:00
UKRAiNATV together with THE VOID (Institute of Network Cultures) present a full-day event at Framer Framed. With an open invitation to both in-person and online audiences, UKRAiNATV explores how media can be used as a tool for collaboration through streaming practices, hybrid and tactical media, stream art and expanded TV. Join us for a day of hands-on activities including PeerTube transmission tests, live stream workshops, talks and creative performances. The event takes place in the context of our exhibition Really? Art and Knowledge in Time of Crisis.
Throughout the event, participants are invited to explore how streaming technologies are being used to respond to global challenges. The event culminates in a final live stream, connecting with the exhibition Sense of Safety currently ongoing at YermilovCentre in Kharkiv, Ukraine. This project is part of a broader Bridges of Solidarity network that connects over 20 cross-institutional events across 12 countries. It emphasises the critical need to support Kharkiv, a city near the Russian border, as it faces daily shelling. By linking Kharkiv to the rest of the world, the project underscores its cultural and political significance, fostering international solidarity through shared media and art practices.
Let us know you’re attending in person by registering here.
Or, attend online via ukrainatv.streamart.studio
Part 1: Stream Art Network [Expert Session] 11:00–13:00
The first session is an expert meeting dedicated to establishing a stronger international network for stream art initiatives. The discussion will focus on how stream art platforms can better collaborate, share resources, and build lasting infrastructure to support both existing and emerging nodes. This expert session will lay the groundwork for a stream art network community aiming to amplifying voices and creative initiatives globally, creating a foundation for future projects and collaborations.
This part of the event is aimed at those already working in stream art or those looking to contribute to its growth, offering a chance to connect, strategise, and envision the future of this rapidly expanding field.
Part 2: Streaming in the Fediverse [Open Workshop] 14:00–16:30
The second session moves into an open workshop that explores decentralised streaming infrastructures. Together with the participants, we will create and test our pop-up infrastructures and (p2p) connections and network prototypes (PeerTube). We’ll also connect with partners in various corners of Europe. Participants will exchange ideas on how to integrate decentralised streaming practices, connect audiences across borders, and develop a more sustainable model for networked, hybrid media. This part of the event is open to everyone who wants to play around with PeerTube, HDMI Cables, Cameras, Video Console and GreenScreen.
Part 3: Bridge of Solidarity with Kharkiv [Live Stream Event] 17:00–19:00
The final session is a public live stream titled Bridges of Solidarity, which directly connects to the Sense of Safety exhibition in Kharkiv. As part of a larger international project, this exhibition highlights the city’s cultural, political, and historical importance while emphasising the need for global solidarity as Kharkiv endures daily attacks. The live stream will address topics like Stream Art, Images and Violence, Media Research, and Tactical Media, demonstrating how media can act as a bridge between distant communities.
Programme Public Event/Live Stream
17:00 Intro (T.V. Team/UKRAiNATV Team)
17:10 Karkhiv Bridge with antiwarcoalition.art (Hybrid Bridge)
17:30 On Unsafery of the Viewer by Lesia Kulchynska (Lecture)
18:00 UKRAiNATV (Hybrid Performance)
18:30 RE: Frame.TV (Hybrid Bridge)
This event is in English and free of charge. Donations are welcome.
This event may be photographed and filmed. Please let us know in advance if you prefer not to have your picture taken.
Framer Framed is supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science; Amsterdam Fund for the Arts; Municipality of Amsterdam; and VriendenLoterij Fonds.
Collectieven / Nieuwe media / Oekraine / Politiek Klimaat /

Expositie: Really? Art and Knowledge in Time of Crisis
Tentoonstelling over de commodificatie van kennis en onwetendheid, samengesteld door Mi You en David Garcia
Finissage: Really? Art and Knowledge in Time of Crisis
Symposium met kunstenaars, theoristen, onderzoekers en activisten over onze hedendaagse kenniscrisis