21 Jul 2015 – 00:00
This event is in English and can be joined free of charge.
This evening is an attempt to bring in an intimate setting a variety of artistic voices together that offer us tactics, resistance, disturbance and transgression in an era where privacy or the private is increasingly under surveillance across the globe. PRIVATE focuses on the social and political ramification of the (un)written laws of digitization, privatization and the encoding of the body. Why does the PRIVATE matter? Who is eavesdropping on “our” privacy and to what extend is the body a dispensable instrument in our contemporary society? How do we deal with the increasingly optic gaze of multinationals, governments and systems towards our realities or our bodies?
Femke Dekker, curator,
Silvia Martes, artist,
Ruben Pater, designer,
Kareem Lotfy, artist.
as they examine, challenge or alter our perspectives of themes on the intersection of technology, privacy and body politics— the implications and horizons. This program is part of Perspectives, a series of public event running parallel to the exhibition Embodied Spaces (2015). This event is in English and can be joined free of charge.dekker
Politiek en technologie / Nieuwe media /

Expositie: Embodied Spaces
Een expositie samengesteld door Christine Eyene rondom de thema's lichaam, gender en identiteit.
Serie publieke events parallel aan de expositie Embodied Spaces.

Silvia Martes