15 May 2018
19:30 - 21:30
Pedagogies of Violence, Pedagogies of Care
Broadcasting on the emergency frequency
The armed resistance has arrived
The armed resistance has arrived
We offer safety and security,
food and shelter
If you’re out there,
we will help you
If you hear this,
we will help you
There is hope
Pedagogies of Violence, Pedagogies of Care discusses how in collective, transformative practices, violence and militancy often fall together with care and love. Militancy toward the outside, toward the oppressive structure, the violent system, state violence. Toward patriarchy. Toward white supremacy. Toward colonialism. How are these structures warping daily lived experiences and what connections of care and friendship nurture and sustain activists, cultural producers and organizers?
Violence and care seem more than a mind can hold, paradox positions that come together simultaneously and frequently when one is confronted with structural injustice and violence. ‘All oppressed people have a right to violence,’ civil rights activist Flo Kennedy posits in the film Born In Flames. ‘It’s like the right to pee: you’ve gotta have the right place, you’ve gotta have the right time, you’ve gotta have the appropriate situation. And believe me, this is the appropriate situation.’
Together with our guests, we will talk about, listen to, think about, dance to, collective acts which resist, refuse and disrupt white supremacist hetero-patriarchy in manifold, multi-strategic ways. Acts and practices of broadcasting towards one another and across differences, acts of cross-gender, cross-race alliance between diasporic, interstellar groups, acts of communal care, friendship, nurturing and organizing; and acts of hope.
Pedagogies of Violence, Pedagogies of Care is the second edition of Pedagogies of the Opaque — public research events for, with and about ex-centric cultural, communal and collective practices and thinking, by Amal Alhaag and Maria Guggenbichler. The first edition at Framer Framed, Pedagogies of the Opaque 1 – Black Schools: Learning for and by Black Futures was held on 17 October 2017. The series is the preface to a master program for ex-centric public cultures, which aims to run from 2019 until 2021 in Amsterdam.
The event is hosted by Amal Alhaag and Maria Guggenbichler and part of Moving Together: Activism, Art and Education – A Week with Angela Davis, a weeklong program taking place from 12 until 17 May 2018 at various arts, cultural, educational and heritage institutions, and community centers in Amsterdam. Together with esteemed guest Professor Angela Y. Davis, as well as artists, scholars, activists and audience members, we will look into questions of citizenship, communal knowledge sharing, intergenerational activism, and relevant artistic practices.
‘This is NON / This is NON speaking / Broadcasting on the emergency frequency / Urgency / The armed resistance has arrived / Repeat / The armed resistance has arrived / We offer safety and security, food and shelter / If you’re out there, we will help you / If you’re out there, we will help you / If you hear this, we will help you / There is hope.’ is the ending of fantastic DJ-set by NKISI.
Kunst en Activisme / Feminisme /
Pedagogies of the Opaque (I): Black Schools: Learning for and by Black Futures
De eerste bijeenkomst uit een reeks publieke onderzoeksevenementen voor, met en over ex-centrische culturele, gemeenschappelijke en collectieve praktijken en denkwijzen.

Maria Guggenbichler