30 Jul 2021
18:00 - 20:00
Opening: Proud Aliens & QUEER
On 30 July, the new group exhibition Proud Aliens will open its doors to visitors in two time slots.
Parallel to that, along the canal of the Oranje-Vrijstaatkade, we will have the public installation QUEER by United Painting to stimulate conversation about queerness in the public realm.
Join us to celebrate these colourful new works!
Proud Aliens
The LGBTQ+ project group of Framer Framed’s Open Atelier have created a utopian future where difference and diversity are recognised as beautiful and celebrated. The exhibition Proud Aliens coincides with Amsterdam Pride and was made in collaboration with i-psy Arts, Queer Currents and Framer Framed.
To ensure your own safety and that of our Framer Framed team, we have organised two time slots (limited amount per time slot) for the opening event on the 30th July. Please kindly register in advance between 18:00-19:00 or 19:00-20:00. Read our Corona Measures.
Register for the first slot: 18:00-19:00
Register for the second slot: 19:00-20:00
Exhibition Dates:
30th of July – 22th of August 2021
With works by:
anne krul | Ashna Siriram | Erdem Yakut | Khalid Safy Malyck | Marwan Noufal | Mayis | meg-ster | Mi Ka | Ocean Pearl | O.K | Sabina | SAM | Shevan van Homosexualistan | Teoman | Vita S.

Framer Framed’s Open Atelier group © Eyas Matouk / Framer Framed
QUEER by United Painting
Starting from the 30th July, the word QUEER will be written in large scale on the ground at Oranje-Vrijstaatkade in front of Framer Framed and will stay there for 6 weeks to stimulate conversation about queerness in the public realm. The characters will be painted collectively together with artist collective United Painting and communities Framer Framed works with. The public space installation QUEER is a collaboration with Queer Currents and Framer Framed.
Public Installation Dates:
30th of July – 8th of September 2021
Oranje-Vrijstaatkade 71, Amsterdam

‘Queer’ (2021) by United Painting at Framer Framed, Amsterdam
Migratie / Community & Learning / Kunst in de openbare ruimte / Open Atelier / Queer /

Installatie in de openbare ruimte: QUEER
door United Painting

Expositie: Proud Aliens
Een kleurrijke tentoonstelling door Framer Framed's Open Atelier
Queer Poetry Night x LIMBO
In samenwerking met Unwanted Words & Queer Currents
Finissage: 'Reflections' door het Open Atelier
Feestelijke laatste dag van de tentoonstelling bij Framer Framed
Opening: Reflections
14e jaarlijkse tentoonstelling van i-psy Open Atelier Amsterdam
Finissage: Proud Aliens
Muziek, drankjes, eten en henna om de laatste dag van de groepsexpo te vieren
Doe een wens
Groepstentoonstelling van de kunstenaars uit het Open Atelier van i-psy
Queer Youth, Remember Kirvan Fortuin
Een panel over LHBTQI+ kunst, cultuur en onderwijs
Queer Currents Opening
met Evert van Straaten & Dennis Elzinga

Ashna Siriram

Kunstenaar en regisseur


United Painting