24 Nov 2017
20:00 - 22:00
Expositie opening: House of Wisdom
Op vrijdag 24 november 2017 opent onze nieuwe tentoonstelling House of Wisdom, met een openings performance van het Istanbul Queer Art Collective. De opening is onderdeel van Amsterdam Art Weekend 2017!
Over tentoonstelling House of Wisdom
De tentoonstelling House of Wisdom (2017), samengesteld door Collective Çukurcuma (Naz Cuguoğlu en Mine Kaplangı), onderzoekt de politieke betekenis van boeken, bibliotheken en archieven, met name in veranderende sociaal-politieke omstandigheden waarin sprake is van toenemende censuur. Uitgaande van de kracht van bibliotheken als centra van onderzoek, onderwijs en uitwisseling, besloten de curatoren hun eigen bibliotheek-archief te bouwen. Met als vertrekpunt de huidige politieke situatie in Turkije, nodigden zij meer dan dertig kunstenaars en onderzoekers uit om deel te nemen aan het project.
Lees hier meer over de tentoonstelling
Opening performance
by Istanbul Queer Art Collective
Psychic Bibliophiles: What the Cards Say
“Every book, every volume you see here, has a soul. The soul of the person who wrote it and of those who read it and lived and dreamed with it. Every time a book changes hands, every time someone runs his eyes down its pages, its spirit grows and strengthens.”
― Carlos Ruiz Zafón, The Cemetery of Forgotten Books I: The Shadow of the Wind:
Our library had to die, when we felt we had to leave our country.
Books are heavy, but their spirits are light.
Now each book in our ex-library has a card;
And each card contains a story
Of how the book came into our hands
Where we read it
What we thought of it
Who has it now…
Anecdotes that paint the portrait
Of what it was like to have lived and read in our country.
So step into our parlour and pick a card or two
Let the book spirit mediums tell you its story
Only for your ears and once in a life time
The spirit of our dead library will talk to you personally
And stamp you permanently.
Het levende archief / Queer / Turkije /

Expositie: House of Wisdom
Samengesteld door het Çukurcuma Collectief (Naz Cuguoğlu en Mine Kaplangı)

Serhat Cacekli
Curator en schrijver

Mine Kaplangı