14 Jun 2019
19:00 - 20:15
HERE/NOW talk + film screening: Indigenous Knowledge and Activism in Colombia
Join us on Friday 14 June, for an event in the context of exhibition HERE/NOW: Current Visions from Colombia!
Colombia has a diverse geography, home to mountain ranges and valleys, and known especially for its myriad rivers. It is the second most biodiverse country in the world, but is now increasingly threatened by productive and extractive activities: hydroelectric projects, mining, deforestation and chemical pollution. In this event, we will go into these socio-environmental problems through the eyes of the local and native communities.
Guest speaker Tatiana Roa will go into local activism, and tell us more about some of the organisational forms that native communities have created to defend their rivers. Following the talk, there will be a screening of the short documentary Abel (2015), which follows indigenous Colombian artist Abel Rodriguez [Mogaje Guihu] as he reflects on the loss of indigenous knowledge and the fundamental relationship between plants, land, and life. The short will be introduced by artist Mariëlle Videler, who in 2016 was an artist-in-residence at FLORA ars + natura in Bogotá, Colombia, researching the dissemination of knowledge in/through the first peoples of Colombia.
‘Abel’ is a co-production between Más Arte Más Acción and the Prince Claus Fund.
Sign up: Facebook event.
HERE/NOW: Current Visions from Colombia explores artists’ responses to the shifting cultural, social and political landscapes of Colombia – a country scarred by a 60-year long history of armed struggle. The exhibition features twenty artists spread across two locations, Beautiful Distress House and Framer Framed.
The exhibition at Beautiful Distress House has now ended, but HERE/NOW at Framer Framed can be visited until 30 June, with artworks by María José Arjona, Milena Bonilla, La Decanatura, Wilson Díaz, Clemencia Echeverri, Diego Piñeros García, Laura Huertas Millán, Guillermo Moncayo, Oscar Muñoz, Luis Roldán, Ana María Rueda, Carlos Villalón, Más Arte Más Acción, Stephen Ferry and Miguel Ángel Rojas.
- Más Arte Más Acción
Ecologie / Colombia / Extractivisme / Kunst en Activisme /

Expositie: HERE/NOW - Current Visions from Colombia
Hedendaagse kunst en fotojournalistiek van twintig kunstenaars uit Colombia, samengebracht door Carolina Ponce de León
Finissage HERE/NOW: Poisoned and Punctum
De laatste bijeenkomst in de context van de tentoonstelling HERE/NOW: Current Visions from Colombia met een performance van Milena Bonilla en een lezing door Ana María Gómez López
HERE/NOW artist talk: La Decanatura, 'From the Mule to the Plane'
HERE/NOW kunstenaarsduo La Decanatura gaat in op hun tentoongestelde film, en hun nieuwste filmproject 'From the Mule to the Plane'.

Marïelle Videler