17 Apr 2016 – 17:00
Een gesprek met fotograaf en onderzoeker Marjolein van Pagee
Tijd 17:00 uur Locatie Framer Framed IJpromenade 2 1031 KT, Amsterdam Route Framer Framed is van Amsterdam Centraal Station bereikbaar met het pontje ‘Buiksloterweg’. De entree van het gebouw ligt direct aan het fietspad langs het IJ. De expositieruimte is bereikbaar via restaurant THT en met een lift toegankelijk voor rolstoelgebruikers. Gratis entree
On Sunday 17 April at 17h, we will host a closing event for basic values by herman de vries. After an introduction on the exhibition by curator Roel Arkesteijn, we will have a conversation with photographer and researcher Marjolein van Pagee on her photo and interview project Kembang Kuning – Yellow Flower moderated by historian Esther Captain.
Being intrigued by an old portrait photo of her grandfather as a young marine officer, Van Pagee conducts research on the history of the so-called ‘Politionele Acties’ of the Netherlands in Indonesia; the Dutch military interventions during the Indonesian National Revolution in the late 1940s. Starting by interviewing Dutch veterans, she continued as much as expanded her research in Indonesia by interviewing local freedom fighters. Over the course of time, Van Pagee taught herself to speak Bahasa. Through her research, she aims to document both perspectives on a complicated as well as questionable shared history. This afternoon, Van Pagee will elucidate some of her remarkable findings.
Van Pagee obtained her BA degree Photography at the St. Joost Academy in Breda in 2009. She is currently enrolled in the MA Global and Colonial History at the University of Leiden.
Fotografie / Indonesië / Koloniale geschiedenis /