21 Jan 2017
12:00 - 05:00
Symposium: Vox Populi and The Syrian Archive
Datum en tijd 21 januari, 12:00 – 17:00 Entree €10 regulier / €8,50 reductie Locatie Eye Film Museum IJpromenade 1 1031 KT Amsterdam
In light of exhibition As If: The Media Artist as Trickster (2017), at Framer Framed Eric Kluitenberg organises two public events in collaboration with David Garcia on 21 and 22 January.
Vox Populi and The Syrian Archive will consist of a screening and public debate with the aim of exploring the tenuous relationship between the activist moment, increasingly mediated by the participants in these events themselves (and progressively in near real-time), and the static character of the archive (and its implicit ‘suspension of time’).
Lara Baladi (Vox Populi),
Hadi Al Khatib and Jeff Deutch (The Syrian Archive),
Robert Ochshorn, and guests.
To do so, we will focus on two ambitious projects currently under development:
Vox Populi – Archiving a Revolution in the Digital Age, of Egyptian / Lebanese artist Lara Baladi. This project draws on the vast materials produced during the original uprising in Egypt against the military regime of Hosni Mubarak, and its aftermath. These materials are collected by a group of artists, writers, and theatre makers who would subsequently go on to found the Mosireen independent media centre in Cairo.
The Syrian Archive, an initiative launched by a collective of human rights activists dedicated to preserving open source documentation related to human rights violations, and other crimes committed by all sides during the conflict in Syria.
Next to the complicated politics and ethics of these online archiving initiatives we want to pose the following questions: what is the role of the artist in such a process – a kind of stage designer, choreographer, facilitator? Or perhaps a creator of imaginative ‘interfaces’, as in the work of American artist Robert M. Ochshorn; whose stunning interfaces for digitally-rich media collections transcend the realm of ‘design’ into a new kind of art form? Robert M. Ochshorn will also present his remarkable work during the event.
11.45 – Doors Open
12.00 – Welcome . introduction: Eric Kluitenberg & Annet Dekker
12.30 – Lara Baladi: Vox Populi – Archiving a Revolution in the Digital Age
13.15 – Discussion
13.30 – Hadi al-Khatib & Jeff Deutch: The Syrian Archive
14.15 – Discussion
14.30 – Coffee break
15.00 – Response to both projects by Charles Jeurgens & discussion
15.30 – Robert Ochshorn: Reimagining the Interface
16.00 – Closing discussion
17.00 – Doors close
Het levende archief / Nieuwe media / Politiek en technologie /

Expositie: As If - The Media Artist as Trickster
Over politieke mediakunst waarin verschillende vormen van misleiding centraal staan, samengesteld door Annet Dekker en David Garcia ism Ian Alan Paul
Symposium: The Society of Post-Control
Uitgebreid gesprek over het ontstaan, gevolgen, en activistische reacties op 'the Society of Post-Control'.

Robert M Ochshorn
Kunstenaar, programmeur, muzikant

Eric Kluitenberg
Auteur en programmamaker