18 Aug 2023
18:00 - 19:30
A Harvest for All: Notes on Biodiversity and Medicine
Join us for a conversation between Taita Hernando Chindoy, an Indigenous leader from the pueblo Inga in Colombia, and artist Milena Bonilla. We will discuss subjects connected to the notion of ‘buen vivir’, biodiversity and human rights, medicinal and social uses and abuse of Ayahuasca, illicit cultivars eradication in Colombia and the strengthening of the Inga traditional knowledge and language.

Photo: Padrick Stam / Framer Framed
In the context of the exhibition Tanah Merdeka by the Indonesia artist collective Taring Padi and the masters programme Planetary Poetics, Framer Framed is excited at the opportunity to welcome Taita Hernando Chindoy for a discussion in our space. Hernando Chindoy’s work focuses on the support and encouragement of traditional medicine and knowledge, as well as raising awareness on the interconnectedness between human lives and biodiversity. The community of Colombian Hernando Chindoy exchanged poppy cultivation for coffee and fruit, thus escaping drug violence. “We may now be poorer in terms of money, but much richer in terms of knowledge, biodiversity and quality of life.” We will hear from him in conversation with artist Milena Bonilla, whose critical practice focuses on epistemic colonialism and the different ways in which its historical background and current structures affect organisms, language, imagery, social orders and the perception of history.
As Indigenous communities around the world face extreme precarity due to colonialism and its effects, especially lasting impacts on the environment and human-non-human relationships – we welcome you to listen together with us to issues facing Chindoy’s community and their efforts against colonialist erasure in its various forms. Among other topics, the discussion will address Ayahuasca’s social and medicinal uses, as well as its misuse and abuse, while pointing to efforts of strengthening Inga traditional knowledge and language.
Languages: Spanish & English

Photo: Padrick Stam / Framer Framed
Continue Reading
Taitas of the Amazon say enough to the impostors of the yagé’ and Notes on Cultural Healing and Medicine: Barbara Santos and Milena Bonilla in conversation with Rosa Elena Jacanamijoy Jacanamijoy’ in Errant Journal #2 Slow Violence.
Interview with Hernando Chindoy by Rosa Hofgärtner in Down To Earth Magazine: “Voor ons is kennis en spiritualiteit niet gescheiden” (in Dutch)
Planetary Poetics
Planetary Poetics, is a temporary masters programme at the Sandberg Instituut, initiated by and organised by artist Dorine van Meel and Josien Pieterse from Framer Framed. The programme features various partnerships to connect different social ecologies across the globe and experiment with new possibilities of collective imagination, creation and intervention.
- Down To Earth Magazine
Ecologie / Colombia / Planetary Poetics /

Expositie: Tanah Merdeka
Een tentoonstelling met het Indonesische kunst- en activistencollectief Taring Padi, waarin wordt gereflecteerd op het concept van land als object en locatie van decoloniale strijd.
Counter-extractivism: Poetics of remedy and transmission
Een bijeenkomst ter afsluiting van cultureel werker Jean-Sylvain Tshilumba Mukendi’s seminar over politiek en extractivisme bij het Planetary Poetics programma aan het Sandberg Instituut