13 Dec 2023
19:00 - 22:00
Veiling voor Palestina
On Wednesday 13 December at 19:00, residents from the Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, in collaboration with Framer Framed, will host a live auction event at Framer Framed to raise funds to support Eltiqa, a collective of artists in Gaza, and ELSC, an independent organisation defending and empowering the Palestine solidarity movement in Europe through legal means.
You are welcome to join us for a full programme that includes the presentation of artworks on sale, bidding, live performances, and drinks. Rijksakademie residents and alumni have contributed artworks that range from editioned or unique works, prototypes and sketches, sculptural objects, vouchers for live works, and more. The works will be on display at Framer Framed and offered for sale during the main event of the evening. Buyers will be able to pay with cash or card.
Eltiqa group is a collective of artists in Gaza that has been working on the ground for more than 20 years, of which most of the members have been displaced since October. ELSC (European Legal Support Center) is an independent organisation defending and empowering the Palestine solidarity movement in Europe through legal means.
18:00-19:00 Welcome & Drinks
19:00-21:00 Presentation of artworks and bidding
Live performance intermezzo.
21:00-22:00 Rijksakademie resident artists Natalia Papaeva and Daniel Vorthuys will perform as auctioneers
- Catalogue - Auction for Palestine
Palestina / Kunst en Activisme / Politiek Klimaat /

Expositie: Performing Colonial Toxicity
Een tentoonstelling van onderzoeker en architectuurhistorica Samia Henni, in samenwerking met If I Can’t Dance, I Don’t Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution