Over de rol van kunst in een globaliserende samenleving

Framer Framed

Cheolgi Kim

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Cheolgi Kim (김철기) is a member of the Han River Social Cooperative and Janghang Wetland Environmental Remediation Team. He currently serves as an investigator at Goyang-si Technical Support Center for Improving Convenience for the Disabled. Previously, he was head of the Goyang Paju Branch of the Institute of Ethnic Studies. A victim of Janghang Wetland landmines, Cheolgi is an ardent Korean Peninsula peace activist.

사회적 협동조합 한강 조합원과 장항습지환경정화 작업팀의 일원이다. 현재 고양시 장애인 편의증진 기술지원센터 조사요원으로 재직 중이다. 이전에는 민족문제연구소 고양파주 지부장을 역임했다. 장항습지 지뢰폭파 피해자이며 열렬한 한반도 평화운동가다.


Expositie: CICC Gwangju Biënnale - Extinction Wars

Een tentoonstelling van de CICC in het Nederlands Paviljoen van de Gwangju Biënnale, Zuid-Korea, geproduceerd en opgedragen door Framer Framed.


Evidentiary Hearings: CICC - Extinction Wars at the Gwangju Biennale
Openbare hoorzittingen van het CICC: Extinction Wars voor het Gwangju Biënnale Paviljoen.