Annet Dekker
Annet Dekker (NL) is an independent researcher and curator. She is currently Assistant Professor of Media Studies: Archival Science at the University of Amsterdam and Visiting Lecturer at the London South Bank University.
Previously, Annet worked as Researcher Digital Preservation at Tate, London, core tutor at Piet Zwart Institute, Rotterdam (Master Media Design and Communication, Networked Media and Lens-Based Media). She was also Programme Manager at Virtueel Platform, Webcurator at SKOR, and Head of Exhibitions, Education and Artists-in-residence at the Netherlands Media Art Institute. In 2017 she published Lost and Living (in) Archives. Collectively Shaping New Memories with Valiz Publishers.
At Framer Framed, Annet Dekker is curator of the exhibition As If: The Media Artist as Trickster (2017).

Expositie: As If - The Media Artist as Trickster
Over politieke mediakunst waarin verschillende vormen van misleiding centraal staan, samengesteld door Annet Dekker en David Garcia ism Ian Alan Paul
Finissage: Collectively (Re)shaping the Archive
Finissage van de tentoonstelling House of Wisdom, in samenwerking met Casco en 7 Hills Foundation.
Symposium: Vox Populi and The Syrian Archive
Symposium over de relatie tussen digitale archivering en activisme.

Interview: Curatoren van tentoonstelling As If, Annet Dekker, David Garcia en Ian Alan Paul

How much of this is fiction bij FACT, Liverpool

Verslag: Public Debate 'Vox Populi and The Syrian Archive'

Recensie: de kunst van het misleiden. Een bespreking van de expositie 'As If'