Over de rol van kunst in een globaliserende samenleving

Framer Framed

Aldo Rames

Aldo E. Ramos

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Aldo Ramos (born 1986, Mexico) lives and works in Amsterdam. Determined to strengthen the protection of life, his work has emerged in the interdisciplinary space of art, ecology and social practice. After leaving behind his life and profession as a lawyer and relocating to the Netherlands in 2010, Ramos has established a connection with other people who share similar experiences, different stories but the same struggle. People who aspire to construct alternatives to the current oppressive system. Since their first encounter in Colombia 2017, Ramos works together with Arhuacan and other communities of Abya Yala who are considered living seeds of hope in other possible worlds. These communities have barely been acknowledged but have never been absent. Instead they are firmly in defense of life in its diversity – resisting the oppression, massive destruction and genocide by the current system. Ramos is using art as a platform to promote a pluriversal rather than universal reality.


Weaving a Pluriversity

Een serie bijeenkomsten door de Pluriversity Weavers over onze verbinding met ecologieën


Weaving Towards Post-Extractive Cultures
Deze bijeenkomst reflecteert op post-extractieve culturen, manieren van zorg, solidariteit en dekolonisatie.
Decolonial Summer School: Celebrating 15 Years of the Maria Lugones Decolonial Summer School
Gesprekken op het gebied van dekoloniaal denken bij Framer Framed (Amsterdam) en Van Abbemuseum (Eindhoven)
Weaving a Pluriversity: In gesprek met Mamo Arwawiku en Rolando Vázquez Melken
Laatste bijeenkomst door de Pluriversity Weavers over onze verbinding met ecologieën
Open Studio: Weaving a Pluriversity
Een serie bijeenkomsten door de Pluriversity Weavers over onze verbinding met ecologieën
Lancering: Errant Journal #2, Slow Violence
Errant Journal is een concept van Irene de Craen, gerealiseerd in samenwerking met Framer Framed