Over de rol van kunst in een globaliserende samenleving

Framer Framed

Akona Kenqu. Photo: Lusanda Ndita

Akona Kenqu

Akona Kenqu (b.1987) is a photographer from Cape Town, South-Africa. She began studying at the Market Photo Workshop in 2008, where she completed the Foundation and Intermediate Courses and the Advanced Programme. In the same year, a series from the body of work Tshepisong was published in the internationally acclaimed photography journal Camera Austria. Kenqu’s series Kick, Push was included at the 2011 FNB Joburg Art Fair. In 2012, Kenqu was the recipient of the Women in Photography Mentorship, at Market Photo Workshop, which resulted in her first solo exhibition Society (also shown at Framer Framed in 2016). She was also included in the My Joburg exhibition at La Maison Rouge in Paris as part of the France-South Africa Season in 2013. Furthermore, she has worked as an archivist for Santu Mofokeng and art collector Warren Siebrits. At the time of this writing, Akona works as a photo editor for Ogojiii Magazine.


Expositie: Society

Met werk van de Zuid-Afrikaanse fotograaf Akona Kenqu, waarin zij de skatecultuur in Zuid-Afrika onderzoekt


Akona Kenqu - fotoserie Society vanaf nu te koop
Het fotografisch werk van Akona Kenqu (ZA) uit de serie Society was van maart t/m mei 2016 te zien bij Framer Framed.
Internationale Vrouwendag bij Framer Framed
Opening expositie Society en lezing door Chandra Frank.