About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Public art in the Molenwijk - A neighborhood survey by Reinwardt Academy students

Presentation of Reinwardt Academy students into the ideas and opinions of local residents about art in public space.

HERE/NOW artist talk: La Decanatura, 'From the Mule to the Plane'

HERE/NOW artist duo La Decanatura will talk about their exhibited work, as well as their newest film project 'From the Mule to the Plane'.

HERE/NOW talk: Mídia NINJA on indigenous activism and land rights

Part of a series of events on indigenous activism and land rights, departing from the exhibition HERE/NOW: Current Visions from Colombia.

HERE/NOW talk + film screening: Indigenous Knowledge and Activism in Colombia

With guest speakers Tatiana Roa and Mariëlle Videler, and a screening of documentary 'Abel' (2015). Part of a series of events on indigenous activism and land rights, departing from exhibition HERE/NOW.


Reflections on artistic efforts in relation to the HIV/Aids crisis

Pop-up expositie: Ruilkunst (Breitner Academie)

Als onderdeel van de eindexamenexpositie It Never Rains in Streetview, van de Breitner Academie.