About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Foto: Maarten Nauw / Framer Framed

23 Jan 2020
18:00 - 21:30

Opening: On the Nature of Botanical Gardens

We are kicking off the new year with a brand new exhibition. You are welcome to join the opening of On the  Nature of Botanical Gardens at Framer Framed on Thursday 23 January from 18:00 onwards in the presence of curator of the exhibition Sadiah Boonstra, and one of the participating artists Sinta Tantra who was commissioned to paint a mural for this exhibition.

Zico Albaiquni, Arahmaiani, Ade Darmawan, Edwin, Samuel Indratma, Lifepatch, Ipeh Nur, Elia Nurvista, Sinta Tantra

About the exhibition
Botanical gardens exist around the world and have become associated with idyllic and exotic nature. This exhibition looks at botanical gardens from another angle and regards botanical gardens as a key site in which colonial power was literally rooted. It investigates how the colonial quest of products, profits and power around the world formed the context for the establishment and consolidation of botanical gardens.

On the Nature of Botanical Gardens (2020) features nine contemporary Indonesian artists who look critically at botanical gardens, colonial power, knowledge building and the economics of nature, its legacies and current consequences of approaching nature and plants. The exhibition seeks to decolonise the concept of botanical gardens and their role in building a Dutch colonial empire in Indonesia.

Foto: Maarten Nauw

The exhibition will run between 24th of January to 26th of April 2020 at Framer Framed.

Supported by
Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap, Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst (AFK), Stadsdeel Oost and DutchCulture / Shared Cultural Heritage.

Indonesia / Shared Heritage / Colonial history /


Exhibition: On the Nature of Botanical Gardens

Contemporary indonesian perspectives by nine Indonesian artists


Sinta Tantra

Sadia Boonstra

Sadiah Boonstra


Susan Legêne

Professor in Political History
