16 Jul 2015
18:00 - 23:00
Filthy Mouth - Dirty Politics
Tijd 16:00 – 23:00 Locatie Framer Framed in de Tolhuistuin IJpromenade 2 1031 KT Amsterdam-Noord Route Framer Framed in de Tolhuistuin is van Amsterdam Centraal Station bereikbaar met het pontje ‘Buiksloterweg’. De entree van het gebouw ligt direct aan het fietspad langs het IJ. De expositieruimte is bereikbaar via restaurant THT.
Experimental conference on the relationship between vulgar language, radical feminism and digital (non) spaces. Part of Perspectives, a series of public events running parallel to the exhibition Embodied Spaces. With workshops, performances and a panel discussion by artists and guests:
Hannah Black (UK),
Deniz Unal (Turkey),
Evan Ifekoya (UK),
Emilio Martinez,
Maria Guggenbichler.
The young artist Emilio Martinez will present a performance in which the personal intersects with fiction, queer and migration politics. Works by Evan Ifekoya are part of the Embodied Spaces (2015) exhibition, that can be visited during the program. The discussion is lead by Maria Guggenbichler. With a special edition of the DJ WORKSHOP FOR WOMEN feat the DJ collective SUPER/NO GOOD.
This program is part of Perspectives, a series of public events running parallel to the exhibition Embodied Spaces, courtesy of Amal Alhaag. Mediapartner of the evening is the platform Girls Like Us.
- Personal website of Maria Guggenbichler
- Personal website of Deniz Unal
- DJ collectief SUPER/NO GOOD
- Girls Like Us
Feminism / Queer /

Exhibition: Embodied Spaces
An exhibition curated by Christine Eyene on the body, gender and identity.
Filthy Mouth, Dirty Politics #2
An 'anti-conference conference', experimenting with transgressive speech acts, filthy, vulgar language, radical feminism and digital (non) spaces.
Public encounters in the context of the exhibition Embodied Spaces.

Maria Guggenbichler

Amal Alhaag