19 Aug 2016 – 00:00
Filthy Mouth, Dirty Politics #2
Time 19:00 – 23:00 hour Location Please note: IJzaal, to the left of Framer Framed exhibition space in Tolhuistuin IJpromenade 2 1031 CC Amsterdam Route Framer Framed at Tolhuistuin can be reached from Amsterdam Centraal Station with the ferry ‘Buiksloterweg’. The exhibition space is located on the first floor, next to restaurant THT.
Last year, Amal Alhaag and Maria Guggenbichler organised the first succesful edition of ‘Filthy Mouth, Dirty Politics’ at Framer Framed, during our exhibition Embodied Spaces. This summer, join us for a fresh edition of the ‘anti-conference Conference’. Taking place as a parallel program to exhibition What We Have Overlooked.
‘Filthy Mouth, Dirty Politics’ experiments with transgressive speech acts, filthy, vulgar language, radical feminism and digital (non) spaces – uncompromisingly giving stage to the outspoken self-representation of minoritized identities. How can we speak #carefree and combine our shared critical dissatisfaction to arrive at a collective potentiality? In what ways can we move beyond the policed and gendered language that is imposed on people?
‘Filthy Mouth, Dirty Politics’ questions and plays with the format of the conference within art and academia – and the limited languages, knowledges and experiences which can be exchanged within it. Staying true to its intention to “confer”, ‘Filthy Mouth, Dirty Politics’ facilitates a joyful and non-hierarchal space in which every guest is a speaker and all opinions and experiences are valued; audience, guests and organizers are invited to come together and discuss, think, listen, dance and learn together.
The conversations, seminars and workshops aim to shift and mess with the “conference”, and create a space to radically exchange, commit and share experiences and narratives around minoritized identities and the disobedient, dirty or vulgarly coded and futuristic languages to make space for non-dominant voices and narratives to speak and create for themselves.
For this edition of the anti-conference conference, Maria Guggenbichler and Amal Alhaag invite artist and activists such as: Raju Rage, DJ Haram, Jabu Arnel and Felicia von Zweigbergk to contribute to the program at Framer Framed.
Exhibition What We Have Overlooked
Before & after the program you will have to opportunity to visit our current exhibition, a collection presentation of Museum Arnhem at Framer Framed. The selection consists of artists who in their work question taken-for-granted historical constructions, cultural identities and political institutions. Includes work by Zanele Muholi, Esiri Erheriene-Essi, Kara Walker, Ria Pacquée & many more!
Feminism / Performance /

Exhibition: What We Have Overlooked
A collection presentation of Museum Arnhem, curated by Mirjam Westen
Filthy Mouth - Dirty Politics
Experimental conference on the relationship between vulgar language, radical feminism.

Maria Guggenbichler