24 Mar 2010 – 20:00
The Guided View
Aanvang 20:00 uur
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Debatcentrum Tumult
Domplein 4/5
3512 JC Utrecht
030 233 24 30
National identity and historical awareness are relevant issues in the context of a multicultural society and the development towards a European citizenship. Museums are increasingly called upon to actively convey a sense of national history and identity to the people. How can we negotiate the tensions between the presentation of autonomous art and this educative assignment? How do museums deal with the multicultural backgrounds of the audience that they are supposed to serve?
Edwin Jacobs – Director Centraal Museum (Utrecht);
Macha Roesink – Director Museum De Paviljoens (Almere);
Ad De Jong – Professor by Special Appointment of Dutch Cultural History;
Bart Jan Spruyt – Author, Chairman Edmund Burke Foundation;
Jonas Staal – artist.
Debate leader is Katinka Baehr.

Ad de Jong
Professor by Special Appointment of Dutch Cultural History

Bart Jan Spruyt
Author, Chairman Edmund Burke Foundation

Edwin Jacobs
Director Centraal Museum

Jonas Staal