21 Apr 2015 – 20:00
Narratives on Iran
Tuesday evening Time 20.00 Location Framer Framed in the Tolhuistuin IJpromenade 2 1031 KT Amsterdam Route Framer Framed at Tolhuistuin is reachable from Amsterdam Centraal Station with the ferry ‘Buiksloterweg’. The entrance is located directly at the IJ river bank, the exhibition space is located on the first floor, next to restaurant THT. Entrance Free admission English spoken Please register by sending an e-mail to reserveren@framerframed.nl
An evening in collaboration with Cineblend and Dancing on the Edge:
In the context of the Framer Framed exhibition Crisis of Histoy #3: Beyond History (2015) we will talk with and show clips from visual artists and filmmakers from Iran who live within or outside of Iran. How do these artists create alternative narratives to the dominant representation? And are these artists caught between the Iranian official discourse and the Western discourse on Iran? Is there such a thing as a dominant discourse or are there several discourses that contradict each other? Which audiences do the artists address?
With guests:
Barbad Golshiri
Reza Allamehzadeh
Nafiss Nia
Ehsan Fardjadniya
Moderator: Negin Kianfar
Barbad Golshiri’s work is also present at the exhibition in Framer Framed: Crisis of History #3.
For the project Hollowed Grounds writer Barbad Golshiri invites artists, writers and critics to reflect on the use of designated terms such as ‘the Arab World’, ‘the Islamic World’ and ‘the Middle East’. He proposes the temporary abolishment of these empty and floating signifiers and the ideological grounds they are based on to see what befalls their arguments.
Iran /

Exhibition: Crisis of History #3 - Beyond History
Curated by Robert Kluiver and Elham Puriyamehr
Program surrounding the Crisis of History #3 exhibition
During the exhibition Crisis of History #3 - Beyond History there will be a special event on every Tuesday night with film screenings, lectures and guided tours.

Ehsan Fardjadniya

Reza Allamehzadeh
Filmmaker, film critic and writer

Barbad Golshiri