13 Sep –
26 Sep 2019
Expositie: Van Amulet tot Artefact
“Living together with people who differ is one of the most urgent challenges facing society today. Traditional bonds are fading and we must develop and design new forms of rituals that make us more skillful in living with others.” (Sennett, 2012)

Van Amulet tot Artefact (2019), Werkplaats Molenwijk. Photo: © Eyas Hafez
On Friday, September 13, Werkplaats Molenwijk will festively open its new exhibition From Amulet to Artifact about daily rituals of the residents in the Molenwijk. The Molenwijk in Amsterdam-Noord consists of ten-storey buildings that, viewed from above, are positioned as wicks of a mill around parking garages. This unit of construction has a variety of residents.
Design anthropologist Tina Lenz and filmmaker Magda Augusteijn wanted to visualize the diversity by setting up an artistic research project together with 25 Molenwijkers in which daily ritual is central. In a series of photos and a short film, the exhibition shows a collection of personal stories and meaningful objects such as your grandmother’s necklace, a cap from your baseball club or a special moment’s souvenir.

Nash Caldera, performance (2019). Photo: © Eyas Hafez
You are cordially invited to the opening with a performance by artist Nash Caldera. Moroccan mint tea, Syrian lentil soup and Turkish bread will be served.
The exhibition can be seen from 13 September to 26 September 2019.

Van Amulet tot Artefact (2019), Werkplaats Molenwijk. Photo: © Eyas Hafez
Werkplaats Molenwijk is made possible by:
Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst, De Alliantie, Bank Giro Loterij Fonds en Stadsdeel Noord.
Werkplaats Molenwijk is an initiative by Framer Framed. Framer Framed is supported by Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap, Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst and Stadsdeel Oost.

Van Amulet tot Artefact (2019), Werkplaats Molenwijk. Photo: © Eyas Hafez
Molenwijk / Amsterdam Noord / Community & Learning / Residencies /
Book Launch: 'From Amulet to Artefact' at Werkplaats Molenwijk
'From Amulet to Artefact’ at Werkplaats Molenwijk

Najendra ‘Nash’ Caldera
Visual and performance artist

Magda Augusteijn