For Framer Framed, education means encouraging curiosity, creativity and critical independent thinking and analysis.

At Framer Framed we introduce children and young people to local artists and international themes. Following our exhibitions we offer various programs for all ages in the form of meetings, dialogue, studio visits and tours. In addition, the development of skills is central, with the development of an independent opinion playing an important role. Indoor and extracurricular activities are therefore of equal importance. Occasionally, (teaching) programmes, projects and workshops are tailor-made for every educational level and age group.
Full education agenda
Coffee Tastes Like Coffee: Coffee Ritual and Book Launch of Cocuyo
A coffee tasting workshop and the book launch of Cocuyo, by artists Ana Tomimori and Carlos Felipe Guzmán of Proyecto Cocuyo at Werkplaats Molenwijk

Curatorial Talk: Elham Puriya Mehr on Coffeehouses as Emancipatory Learning Atmospheres
Curatorial talk with research resident Elham Puriya Mehr, who presents her research into coffeehouses as emancipatory learning atmospheres

Launch of LOOK: An Interactive Investigation Into Eye Contact
Presentation of an interactive audio installation and podcast on eye contact by Prosper de Roos at Werkplaats Molenwijk

Rise & Shine: Midzomer Mokum in the Molenwijk
Workshops for young people during Midzomer Mokum at Werkplaats Molenwijk and Satirius
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Amsterdam Oost / Education /

Amsterdam Noord / Education / Molenwijk /
Exhibition: Pak me dan! as part of the project Zelf gemaakt!

Amsterdam Oost / Education /
Open Call: Designer(s) Young Makers Studio 2025

Education / Social Practice / Workshop /
AI and creativity: Older adults drawing together with robots

Extractivism / Ecology / Education / Colonial history / Planetary Poetics /
Picha and Framer Framed: A long-term collaboration

Workshop / Extracurricular Activities / Ukraine /