About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Guided Tour



Guided Tour: Stories of Wounds and Wonder
Guided tour with the author of Stories of Wounds and Wonder, Nuraini Juliastuti
Finissage: Tanah Merdeka
The last day of the exhibition, with a guided tour in Bahasa Indonesia, a performance by Samboleap Tol, and a painting & woodcut printmaking workshop with Taring Padi members
Amsterdam Art Week at Framer Framed
Exhibition 'The Silence of Tired Tongues', Oost Tour, Book launch: 'International Friendship' and more!
Museum Night 2021
Performances by Art Harder, Cat Smits, DJ Mr. Winter & more
Guided tour in the Molenwijk
Tour at Werkplaats Molenwijk led by Sietske Roorda on public art