About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed




Open Studio: Weaving a Pluriversity

A series of gatherings on the human connection to our environments, organised by the Pluriversity Weavers

Exhibition: HERE/NOW - Current Visions from Colombia

Twenty artists presenting contemporary art and photojournalism created in the context of Colombia.


The Acknowledgment of Loss, Listening to the Amazon Forest

Talk and screening of short films exploring the (im)possibilites of cultural translation and ancestral knowledge in the Amazon.
Coffee Tastes Like Coffee: Coffee Ritual and Book Launch of Cocuyo
A coffee tasting workshop and the book launch of Cocuyo, by artists Ana Tomimori and Carlos Felipe Guzmán of Proyecto Cocuyo at Werkplaats Molenwijk
Weaving a Pluriversity: Conversation between Mamo Arwawiku and Rolando Vázquez Melken
Final gathering by the Pluriversity Weavers on the human connection to our environments
Open Studio: Weaving a Pluriversity
A series of gatherings on the human connection to our environments, organised by the Pluriversity Weavers
Open Studio: Weaving a Pluriversity
A series of gatherings on the human connection to our environments, organised by the Pluriversity Weavers
A Harvest for All: Notes on Biodiversity and Medicine
A conversation between Milena Bonilla & Taita Hernando Chindoy
Screening: Land Rifts – Extraction and Sedimentation
Film screenings and discussion about ecosystems and coloniality, in collaboration with ASCA.
Finissage HERE/NOW: Poisoned and Punctum
The final event departing from the exhibition HERE/NOW: Current Visions from Colombia with a performance and a talk by Milena Bonilla and Ana María Gómez López.
HERE/NOW talk + film screening: Indigenous Knowledge and Activism in Colombia
With guest speakers Tatiana Roa and Mariëlle Videler, and a screening of documentary 'Abel' (2015). Part of a series of events on indigenous activism and land rights, departing from exhibition HERE/NOW.
HERE/NOW artist talk: La Decanatura, 'From the Mule to the Plane'
HERE/NOW artist duo La Decanatura will talk about their exhibited work, as well as their newest film project 'From the Mule to the Plane'.
Printing session: Oscar Muñoz’ 'Narcisos'
In the context of exhibition HERE/NOW.
Finissage: HERE/NOW at Beautiful Distress House
The exhibition at Beautiful Distress House is on view until 3 April, at Framer Framed until 30 June.
Educatie: Kunstschooldag 2019 bij Framer Framed
Lecture: Mieke Bal - Of What One Cannot Speak: Doris Salcedo
Lecture at Beautiful Distress House, in the framework of exhibition HERE/NOW.
Symposium: HERE/NOW Current Visions from Colombia
At Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, in the context of exhibition HERE/NOW at Framer Framed and Beautiful Distress House
Exhibition: HERE/NOW - Current Visions from Colombia
Twenty artists presenting contemporary art and photojournalism created in the context of Colombia.