11 Oct 2023
19:00 - 21:00
Boekpresentatie: 'Let's Become Fungal!' door Yasmine Ostendorf-Rodríguez
Delve into the amazing world of mycelium which is not just a fascinating ecological system and material, but carries a profound usefulness as a metaphor for potential new systems, ways of thinking and behaviors. Join us on 11 October 2023 where author Yasmine Ostendorf-Rodríguez and Valiz will present the book Let’s Become Fungal! Mycelium Teachings and the Arts at Framer Framed.
Let’s Become Fungal! Mycelium Teachings and the Arts (Valiz, 2023) takes its inspiration from the world of art and mycology and shares innovative practices from Latin America and the Caribbean that are rooted in behaviours of the mycelium, such as: symbiosis, multispecies collaboration, decentralisation and non-monetary resource exchange. Let’s Become Fungal! is more than a book; it presents a way of thinking that can be activated in communities, networks, movements and organisations.
After a short introduction, we will screen the short video ’trailer’ for the book. In this video some excerpts from the interviews that Yasmine conducted are featured. The sharing and exchange of knowledge during these interviews led to twelve Fungi teachings, presented in the book. Later on, the writer will read excerpts from the book, and guide the audience in a Mycelial Mediation; a collective meditation exercise in which awareness is drawn to the surroundings and the collective presence. Later on, there is ample time for Q&A with the author as well as the possibility to further connect and exchange over drinks.
Let’s Become Fungal! Mycelium Teachings and the Arts
Author: Yasmine Ostendorf-Rodríguez
Publisher: Valiz
336 pp. | 24 x 17 cm (h x w) | English | August 2023 | ISBN 978-94-93246-28-7 | 27 €
Inspired by conversations with:
Francisca Álvarez Sánchez, Carolina Caycedo, Annalee Davis, Maya Errázuriz, Juan Ferrer, Lilian Fraiji, Giuliana Furci, Sofía Gallisá Muriente, Yina Jiménez Suriel, Patricia Kaishian, Mirla Klijn and Olaf Boswijk, Lola Malavasi and Daniela Morales Lisac, Martina Manterola and Carmen Serra, Camila Marambio, Mariana Martínez Balvanera, Claudia Martínez Garay, Lina Meija and Luciana Fleischman, Tomaz Morgado Françozo and Marília Carneiro Brandão, Marion Neumann, Maria Alice Neves, Tara Rodríguez Besosa, Raquel Rosenberg, Juli Simon, Ela Spalding, Gianine Tabja, Gabriela Flores del Pozo and Lucia Monge, Fer Walüng, Tatyana Zambrano
Design: Andrea Spikker with illustrations by Rommy González
Yasmine Ostendorf-Rodríguez is the author of Let’s Become Fungal! Mycelium Teachings and the Arts. She works as a curator and researcher on art and ecology, and is based in Mexico-City. She founded and directed many international initiatives at the intersection of art and ecology, including the Green Art Lab Alliance and the Nature Research Department; the Van Eyck Food Lab; and the Future Materials Bank at the Jan van Eyck Academie (the Netherlands).
Valiz is an independent international publisher on contemporary art, theory, critique, design, and urban affairs. Valiz’s books offer critical reflection, interdisciplinary inspiration, and often establish a connection between cultural disciplines and socio-political questions. Valiz publishes out of commitment to the content, to artistic and social issues, and to artists, designers and authors. Apart from publishing books, Valiz organises lectures, debates and other cultural projects in which certain topics in contemporary art are explored. Valiz is based in Amsterdam.
- Valiz - Uitgeverij
Book Launch / Caraiben / Ecologie /