Zippora Elders
Zippora Elders is the chief curator and Head of Curatorial Department & Outreach of the Gropius Bau in Berlin. From 2016-2022 she was artistic and managing director of Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen in the Netherlands, where she increased the visibility of this UNESCO heritage site as a thriving retreat for contemporary art and ecological exchange under the themes of Science Fiction and Enchantment, Healing, Fertility. Formerly she was amongst others curator at Foam, museum for photography in Amsterdam. Zippora studied Art History, Curatorial Practice and Museum Heritage, with extracurricularly Public Administration and Philosophy. She is engaged as an advisor, writer and board member for various organizations and projects. Since 2019 she is co-curator of sonsbeek 20-24 Force Times Distance: On Labour and its Sonic Ecologies.
- sonsbeek20→24