Over de rol van kunst in een globaliserende samenleving

Framer Framed

La Javi Textil

La Javi Textil

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La Javi Textil is a textile artist currently based in Amsterdam. She regularly hosts textile art workshops and creates her own work, inspired by the flora and fauna of South America, the astronomy and the cosmovision of native peoples.

Together with Monet Barraza Madariaga, they form the textile collective Warmi Küyen, currently situated in Amsterdam New West.


Workshop: 100 Butterflies for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, Girls, and Non-Binary People

Textielworkshop over borduurkunst als middel voor feministisch verzet in het kader van Internationale Vrouwendag.
Arpilleras workshops: Textielherinneringen uit de Molenwijk
Reeks workshops over vrouwelijk textielerfgoed in Werkplaats Molenwijk
Arpilleras Workshopsessies: Refuge and Textile Memories
Serie workshops over vrouwelijk textielerfgoed
