Izaira López Sánchez
Izaira López Sánchez is a ña’a Ñuu Savi (woman from the People of the Rain), and speaks Tu’un Savi (Language of the Rain), she has a degree in International Relations from the Universidad del Mar, Campus Huatulco, Oaxaca, Mexico. Her work focuses on the revitalization of the Mixtec language. She has participated in various national and international activities and conferences to spread her language. She is the founder of the Tu’un Vii “Beautiful Words” project, where she creates and disseminates content in Tu’un Savi on digital platforms, with the aim of generating greater awareness among youngsters of the importance of native languages inside and outside of Ñuu. Savi. Who owns the past? Additionally, his research revolves around the repatriation of cultural elements of indigenous peoples to their place of origin. She was awarded the State Youth Award 2021 and Atenea Award 2021.