Filipa Ribeiro da Silva
Dr. Filipa Ribeiro da Silva is Senior Researcher at the IISH. She has specialised in social and economic history of the Portuguese and Dutch overseas empires and interactions with Atlantic and Eastern Africa. Her current research interests focus on population, labour, migration, commerce in Enslaved Peoples and commodity trade and their related business networks. She is currently the PI of the NWO-funded project The Global Business of Slave Trade – Patterns, Actors and Gains in the Early Modern Dutch and Iberian Slave Trade in Asia. Ribeiro da Silva is also member of the editorial board of the International Review of Social History. She is also the author of Dutch and Portuguese in Western Africa. Empires, Merchants, and the Atlantic System (Brill, 2011), and co-editor of Networks and Trans-Cultural Exchange: Slave Trading in the South Atlantic, 1590-1867 (Brill, 2014) and African Voices from the Inquisition. Vol. 1 (OUP, 2021) Likewise, she has published extensively in journals such as African Economic History, History in Africa, Itinerario, Slavery & Abolition, among others.