7 Nov 2015 – 19:00
Museumnight Amsterdam 2015
Time 19:00 til 02:00 Location Framer Framed at the Tolhuistuin IJpromenade 2 1031 CC Amsterdam Route Framer Framed at Tolhuistuin can be reached from Amsterdam Centraal Station with the ferry ‘Buiksloterweg’. The exhibition space is located on the first floor, next to restaurant THT. Entry with Museumnacht ticket – check the official website!
For Museumnacht (Museumnight 2015, November 7th) Framer Framed organised a programme around the exhibition Koempels (on view from 22nd October until 6th December). Photos of the event are up here
Koempels is a word from a dialect spoken in Limburg, a province in the south of the Netherlands, and means ‘mineworker’ but also ‘buddy’. In the exhibition, contemporary painting is combined with social and art historical research. Different cultures from the South and the North of the Netherlands are brought together in imagery, outlining how the relation and power structures between periphery and centre has changed since the closing of the mines in Limburg (exactly 50 years ago). During the evening, you are very welcome to come to Framer Framed to visit the exhibition. We also have several other amazing happenings lined up:
PROGRAMME (19:00-02:00)
All evening: get your own MINEtattoo
Get your own (temporary) MINEtattoo! After the “We are all miners” design by Luc Harings.
Documentary screening: MijnstreekComplex (2015, dir Sergej Kreso)
(in Dutch, with English subtitles)
Screening of the documentary MijnstreekComplex (Mine region complex, 2015). After the screening there will be a Q&A session with director Sergej Kreso & Milena Mulders, co-initiator of the exhibition Koempels. The film MijnstreekComplex (in Dutch with English subtitles) gives an overview of the lives of several young people living in the post-mining region in the south of The Netherlands, 50 years after the closing of the mines. They all feel a strong connection to their region and its mining history. They are proud of a past largely unknown to them, which simultaneously greatly influences their daily life and identity. Each in their own way they are looking for ways to keep the memory of the mines alive today.
WHEN: 19:00, 20:30 & 22:00. Q&A’s at 19:50 and 21:35.
Journey through the ARTmine
During Museum night, Koempels artist Keetje Mans will show visitors around the ‘art mine’. Come visit us and delve into the artists’ fascination for folk art, music and mythical, lugubrious and carnivalesque elements.
North meets South in spoken word
Rapper/poet Lamyn Belgaroui (from the north of Amsterdam) and poet Merlijn Huntjens (from the south of The Netherlands) are meeting up the day of Museumnight. They will hang out, get to know each other, and improvise on the fly to set up an amazing spoken word performance. The result will be performed several times during the evening (probably in Dutch, but worthwhile for the performance aspect!)
Obscura Nova – Remixing Heritage
Cineblend and Obscure Times will present an audio-cinematic program consisting of fragments of old minemovies combined with soundscapes. The film fragments are take-outs from several mining films belonging to the EYE Filmmuseum archive and the Beeld & Geluid institiute. The silent films from 1916 til 1927 present a beautiful overview of the mining region in Zuid-Limburg (in the South of the Netherlands). Producer Roy Habets and VJ’s Emily Beekhuis and Daan Matthes from Obscure Times respond to the moving pictures in a live DJ-set, with modern electronic sounds consisting of experimental techno and ambient music.
WHEN: 22:00 & 23:00
DJ set by Sidi El Karchi: 70’s & 80’s electro & space disco
Koempels artist Sidi El Karchi will spin some records for the audience. Expect danceable, obscure electro and space-disco from the 70’s til 80’s, with a contemporary twist!
WHEN: 24:00 – 2:00.
For tickets, check the Museumnacht website.
Extractivism /

Exhibition: Koempels
50 years since the closing of the mines in the South of The Netherlands, we present the lingering traces of this fossil fuel era on contemporary art. Curator: Lene ter Haar

Keetje Mans

Sidi El Karchi