6 Nov 2021
20:00 - 23:59
Museum Night 2021
Museum Night is back with a physical edition, and Framer Framed is pleased to be part of it! This year it will be centred around the theme ‘activism, an act of joy and resilience’. In the exhibitions Court for International Climate Crimes and Powerplay – Deals All Over, visitors are confronted with two of the most trying crises of our times, respectively climate change and a failing European asylum policy, through the prism of art. How can art imagine an entirely new framework to tackle complex problems? And can a playful translation of a problematic phenomenon be a form of rebellion?

Exhibition: Court for Intergenerational Climate Crimes (2021), Framer Framed x Museumnacht © Seye Cadmus
For this edition of Museum Night, Framer Framed has collaborated with EAST&, a new initiative in Amsterdam-East that connects local residents, cultural organisations and the many talented and diverse creatives the area harbours. For this night’s programme, EAST& invited (local) critical collectives that have made joy the center of their practice.
Check the programme on Museum Night page
20:30-22:00 Art Harder
22:00-22:30 Cat Smits
23:00-23:30 Cat Smits
Throughout the night
DJ Mr. Winter
Bookshop by Het Fort van Sjakoo and KIOSK Rotterdam
EAST& is an initiative by five cultural organisations in Amsterdam East: Framer Framed, Nowhere, Plein Theater, Q Factory and De Rode Loper Op School. Find more information about the programme below.
20:00-20:30 & 22:30-00:00
You can join the five-minute guided tours at Framer Framed special to Museum Night throughout the evening. Learn more about the exhibition: the Court of Intergenerational Climate Crimes (CICC) and meet the extinct animals, plants and ammonite fossils populating the exhibition space.
Researchers from the CICC tribunals will introduce the space which hosts Framer Framed’s Museum Night 2021. In October, hearings were held against ING, Unilever, Airbus and the Dutch State for their intergenerational climate crimes. Throughout the evening, relive these cases through the summaries of the evidence presented by prosecutors and witnesses.
This bespoke tribunal installation takes the form of a fragmented wooden construction, that is modelled as a landscape within the exhibition space of Framer Framed, developed by Jonas Staal and Radha D’Souza, in close collaboration with architect Paul Kuipers.

Court for Intergenerational Climate Crimes (2021) Artist: Radha D’Souza and Jonas Staal, Photo: Ruben Hamelink. Commissioned by Framer Framed, Amsterdam
Art Harder
Art Harder is a platform of a diverse group of spoken word artists which brings together all sorts of disciplines within the arts. During their manifestations, artists engage with serious societal issues which they turn into compelling word artistry. Curated by Sandy Bosmans, Zeinab El Bouni and Roziena Salihu you can expect a combination of movement, music and poetry.
Featuring Daniëlle Zawadi; Ivan Words & Kaoutar Gadir; Lev Avitan & Yasin Genç. Hosted by Sandy Bosmans and Roziena Salihu.

Lev Avitan & Yasin Genç, Framer Framed x Museumnacht 2021 © Seye Cadmus
Cat Smits
22:00-22:30 & 23:00-23:30
Plein Theater is a stage for the world around us, a space with a unique and diverse programme for kids, youth and adults. For Museum Night, they’ve given the stage to Cat Smits. Cat Smits creates pluriform, visual ‘total theatre’. Among its fixed ingredients are puppetry, physical play, text, dance, shadow play, music and video. With its multi-layered, touching themes, Cat’s performances always appeal to the imagination. She takes the audience into a ‘fantastic’ world where anything is possible. Powerful in simplicity and magical in imagination, Cat’s performances are touching, topical and thought-provoking.

Cat Smits during the Museumnacht x Framer Framed on the 6th of November 2021. Photo: © Seye Cadmus
DJ Mr. Winter
Mr. Winter is a DJ and barber who combines different styles of music in unpredictable ways. As a hairdresser, he not only cuts hair, but he turns his sessions into real theatre. His interest in people and art transpires in his music selection and DJing style. As a beat-lover pur sang, he has wide-ranging musical tastes – creating surprising performances and collaborations.

DJ Mr. Winter – Framer Framed x Museumnacht 2021 © Seye Cadmus
Visit the Exhibition: Powerplay – Deals All Over
The European Union makes all kinds of deals with other countries with the aim of keeping refugees out. Take the Mali deal for example: Mali receives development aid in exchange for enforcing stricter border control. The collective We Sell Reality has visualised these and many other deals in the form of toys for children. These toys will be presented in an installation, which you can visit throughout Museum Night.
When you enter the space, you imagine yourself in a children’s paradise. It appears to be a shop where beautiful handmade toys are being sold. At first sight it seems a colourful and attractive whole, but that quickly fades as the stories behind the toys sink in. The deals may ensure that fewer refugees arrive in Europe, but this happens at the cost of the safety and opportunities of people being forced to flee their homes outside its borders.
We Sell Reality is a social rebellion label that focuses on making products, graphics, installations and performances. The collective currently consists of 15 social designers. Most members are refugees in limbo.

We Sell Reality – Framer Framed x Museumnacht 2021 © Seye Cadmus
Bookshop by Het Fort van Sjakoo and KIOSK Rotterdam
For Museum Night, our bookshop can be visited throughout the whole night. It was especially co-curated for the ongoing exhibition by Het Fort van Sjakoo and KIOSK Rotterdam. Het Fort van Sjakoo is a bookshop in Amsterdam with a large collection of political and social-critical literature, aiming to provide radical and libertarian ideas. KIOSK Rotterdam is a nomadic bookshop that spreads knowledge by publishing zines, printing flyers and selling books.
EAST& is an initiative of five cultural organisations in Amsterdam Oost: Framer Framed, Nowhere, Plein Theater, Q Factory and De Rode Loper Op School. These organisations want to invite as many other organisations and individuals as possible to join forces. To put Oost on the map as the most creative part of the city.
Guided Tour / Amsterdam Oost / Performance /

Exhibition: Court for Intergenerational Climate Crimes
A project by Radha D'Souza and Jonas Staal
East&: Timorplein + Javaplein
Mix of music, spoken word and comedy in Amsterdam Oost
Sudanese Pop-up Restaurant
A dinner event hosted by We Sell Reality