22 Aug 2021
15:00 - 17:00
Finissage: Proud Aliens
On August 22, we are pleased to invite you to the finissage of Proud Aliens, an exhibition by Framer Framed’s Open Atelier. From 15:00-17:00 we will celebrate with music, foods, drinks and henna.

Exhibition: Proud Aliens – Photo @ Eyas Matouk / Framer Framed
For this group show, the LGBTQ+ project group of Open Atelier created a utopian future where difference and diversity are recognised as beautiful and celebrated.
The Open Atelier project group meets weekly, combining art, community and therapy; representing diverse cultural backgrounds within the LGBTQ+ community. The artworks include group projects and individual art pieces such as henna tattoos, costumes, photography, paintings, film and installations. We will also watch together the director’s cut version of Mi Ka’s animation: Work in progress (2021).
Welcome speech
Films: Work in progress by Mika & I’m 30 years old by O.K.
Music by Shiba
Henna tattoo sessions by SAM
Wish tree ceremony and closing
With works by
anne krul | Ashna Siriram | Erdem Yakut | Khalid Safy Malyck | Marwan Noufal | Mayis | meg-ster | Mi Ka | Ocean Pearl | O.K | Sabina | SAM | Shevan van Homosexualistan | Teoman | Vita S.
Register for the finissage: here.
Queer Currents is an events platform that brings more content and culture to Queerness. Started in 2018, the first annual edition was held in 2019. Queer Currents is an annual program on 15 days and 15 locations, with events, lectures, film, expo, dance and music on 15 Queer topics. The goal is to bring more diverse and inclusive, relevant content, culture and art to the Pride Amsterdam weeks.
i-psy is a specialist in intercultural psychiatry for people with different social and cultural backgrounds and various psychological problems. Since 2009 the visual therapy team of i-psy organises an exhibition every year for and with artists from the open studios. Read more about i-psy Open Atelier at Framer Framed.
Framer Framed is a platform for contemporary art, visual culture, and critical theory & practice. Each year the organisation presents a variety of exhibitions in collaboration with both emerging and established international curators and artists. An extensive public program is organised alongside these exhibitions in order to shed light on the topics concerned, and provide a wide range of perspectives. With this common space for dialogue, Framer Framed aims to show a plurality of voices in a globalised society.
Special thanks to
Robbie Baars, Ruth Opel, Lidia Tato, Marilia Baiak, Laetitia de Veth, Eyas Hafez, Laura van den Dungen and Frank van Deursen
Framer Framed’s Open Atelier Project Coordinators:
Suzanne Delshadian (i-psy Arts), Betül Ellialtioğlu (Framer Framed)
Made possible with the support of:
Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap; Stadsdeel Oost; Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst; Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie.
The exhibition is a collaboration between Queer Currents, i-psy and Framer Framed.
Collectives / Community & Learning / Open Atelier / Queer /

Exhibition: Proud Aliens
A colourful exhibition by Framer Framed's Open Atelier
Finissage: Reflections by the Open Atelier
A joyful final day of the exhibition at Framer Framed
Opening: Reflections by Open Atelier
14th Annual Exhibition of i-psy Open Atelier Amsterdam
Opening: Proud Aliens & QUEER
Exhibition opening of Framer Framed's Open Atelier and a new public installation by United Painting: QUEER

Ashna Siriram

Artist and director


Shevan van der Lugt