27 May 2018
14:30 - 19:30
Finissage: Pressing Matters & Workshop 'Also-Class'
On the occassion of the finissage of exhibition Pressing Matters, join us for the workshop ‘Also-Class’ by artists reinaart vanhoe and Shraddha Borawake, followed by a guided tour of Pressing Matters by artist Kevin van Braak.
How can we develop an artistic practice that does not define itself as ‘alternative’ or ‘in opposition’ to the society in which it exists, but rather as an integral part of the various communities in which the artist functions, produces and lives, and is thus very much a part of?
In the program ‘Also-Class’, which includes a workshop and 2 talks, we will engage into dialogue with the audience and discuss the aforementioned questions, using examples from local and international practices. In reinaart vanhoe’s book, Also-Space, From Hot to Something Else (2016), he explores different Indonesian art spaces and collectives, urging for new ways of looking at an art-practice. reinaart replaces the term ‘alternative-space’, which often finds artists excluding themselves from their surrounding social narratives, with ‘also-space’, a concept that re-evaluates the production and positioning of artists within the communities they are a part of.
For this program reinaart joins forces with Shraddha Borawake, an artist from India currently studying at the Piet Zwart Institute in Rotterdam. Shraddha will be sharing from her experience in the project The Good Artists of Pune (2012-2016), a grassroots community-building initiative exploring the notions of creative capital, inclusive platforms and status quo disruption. The project was ignited by a need for change in the fragmented cultural landscape of Pune, a second tier city in India.
During the workshop the audience will be invited to contribute with examples of initiatives in- and outside the art network, from Amsterdam or elsewhere, that fit the description of ‘also-space’. The workshop will result in a collaborative mapping via drawing and diagrams, which will then be transferred into T-shirts and flags.
14:30- Introduction on artist Kevin van Braak’s Pentagonal Icositetrahedron – the starting point of exhibition Pressing Matters
14:45- Talk: ‘On Also_Space’ by reinaart vanhoe
15:15- Talk: ‘Collaborating with Institutes Instead of Opposing them’ by Shraddha Borawake
15:45- Workshop: Mapping collectives of like-minded people in and outside the art network + flag making.
17:00: Tour of Pressing Matters by Kevin van Braak
Free Entry
The workshop is limited to 25 participants. Those registered will be sent a PDF copy of chapter 3 of “Also_Space” by reinaart vanhoe leading up to the workshop date.
Finissage program is open to all.
Collectives / Indonesia /

Exhibition: Pressing Matters
Featuring 24 Indonesian artists brought together by artist Kevin van Braak

Reinaart Vanhoe

Shraddha Borawake