1 May 2022
15:00 - 17:00
Book Launch: professional amateur
Join us on Sunday 1st May for the book presentation of professional amateur, a new publication part of the ‘depend on me’ research project!
After a research period of more than a year and an intensive presentation week in puntWG in March 2022, ‘depend on me‘ now publishes its research results, artworks and collaborations from the past year in its first publication entitled: professional amateur. This book launch marks the end of a pilot project, initiated by artist Marieke Zwart, in which professional artists collaborated with amateur and semi-professional artists on new artworks and working methods.
During one year, fourteen artists created five works and explored how to organise collaborative artistic practices, creating interdependence, co-authorship, inspiring exchanges and a future perspective on artistic collaborations. What exactly is an amateur? And when are you a professional artist and when not (anymore)?
A chain of interviews between all participants forms the starting point for this publication, in which both the process and the results of this research project come together and an attempt is made to answer the above questions.
In honour of the publication, HF van Steensel will read three short stories and guest writer Tina Lenz will receive the first book. More information about the research project ‘depend on me’ can be found on the website.
This event is FREE and in ENGLISH.
professional amateur – publication
Design: Lotte Lara Schröder
Editors: Marieke Zwart and Maite Vanhellemont.
This presentation was made possible in part by all the artists involved, AFK, Framer Framed and the nearly 100 donors to VOORDEKUNST.
Book Launch / Community & Learning /

Exhibition: The Silence of Tired Tongues
Contemporary Art & Brazil

Marieke Zwart