UKRAiNATV is an experimental, collective and cross-sectoral project in the field of media culture. They consist of artists, activists, researchers, musicians and DJs from Ukraine, Poland, Belarus, Italy. They deal with new relational strategies and new hybrid production forms in the field of hybrid presence. As an Internet TV station, UKRAiNATV specialises in building live audiovisual bridges, hosting a multi-channel streaming hub, recording studio. UKRAiNATV experiment with tactical media and realities, mixing used and brand new equipment and concepts, creating one-off blends of the real and the virtual, online and offline. They are a GLOCAL, hybrid and collective melting pot of people, machines, ideas, identities and signals. It is an artistic, social, political and research-based project all in one.
Operating in the shadow of war and geopolitical tensions, UKRAiNATV is a collective that was born a few days after the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022. They aim to create connections and solidarity between persons in-needs, refugees, nomadic artists, expats and migrants that do not feel safe to express themselves freely in their own country or states.
UKRAiNATV is a participating artist collective in the Framer Framed exhibition Really? Art and Knowledge in Time of Crisis (2024) curated by Mi You and David Garcia.
- Website of UKRAiNATV