About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Naz Cuguoğlu

Naz Cuguoğlu is a curator and art writer, based in Istanbul. She is the co-founder of non-profit art initiative Collective Çukurcuma and artistic research project IdentityLab (Sweden & Turkey); and works as program manager at Zilberman Gallery (Istanbul & Berlin). Her writings have been published in various online and published art magazines, including Art Asia Pacific, Art South Africa, and Istanbul Art News. Recently, she took part in ICI New Orleans Curatorial Intensive funded by SAHA, and TATE Intensive (London) funded by Roberto Cimetta fund. She received her BA in Psychology and MA in Social Psychology focusing on cultural studies.

Cuguoğlu is curator of the exhibition House of Wisdom (2017) at Framer Framed.



Exhibition: House of Wisdom

Curated by Collective Çukurcuma (Naz Cuguoğlu and Mine Kaplangı)


Finissage: Collectively (Re)shaping the Archive
Finissage of exhibition House of Wisdom, in collaboration with Casco and 7 Hills Foundation.
Collective Çukurcuma invites... Day 2: Curator tour + House of Wisdom artist talks
An extensive program tying into the House of Wisdom exhibition theme.
Collective Çukurcuma invites... Day 1: Curator tour
A public program tying into the House of Wisdom exhibition theme.
Exhibition opening: House of Wisdom
With an opening performance by Istanbul Queer Art Collective.