Heba Y. Amin
Artist Heba Y. Amin grounds her work in extensive research that looks at the convergence of politics, technology, and architecture. Techno-utopian ideas, as manifest in characteristic machines of colonial soft power, are at the heart of Amin’s work. Starting from the idea that landscape is an expression of dominant political power – Amin looks for tactics of subversion and other techniques to undermine consolidated systems and flip historical narratives through a critical spatial practice.
Amin teaches at Bard College Berlin, is a doctorate fellow in art history at Freie Universität, and a current Field of Vision fellow in NYC. She is the co-founder of the Black Athena Collective, the curator of visual art for the MIZNA journal (US), and co-curator for the biennial residency program DEFAULT with Ramdom Association (IT). Amin also has an extensive repertoire in public speaking and was a recent resident artist at the Künstlerhaus Bethananien residency program in Berlin. Furthermore, Amin is part of the the collective The Arabian Street Artists responsible for the subversive graffiti action on the set of the television series Homeland which received worldwide media attention and was presented at Framer Framed as part of the exhibition As If – The Media Artist as Trickster (2017)
In 2020, she gave the key note speech for the book presentation Forces of Art – Perspectives from a Changing World.
Amin lives and works in Berlin.