About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Ehsan Fardjadniya

Ehsan Fardjadniya

Ehsan Fardjadniya (b. 1980) is an Iranian/Dutch visual artist, filmmaker, initiator of ‘A New Pavilion’ in Venice, Pirate Cinema and CINEDOME and NUB / New Underground Bioscope in The Netherlands. He completed his BA at the Royal College of Fine Art in The Hague in 2006 and Master of Fine Arts at Goldsmiths University of London in 2008.  His work includes participatory art, interventions in public space, performance, video art and experimental cinema. Ehsan Fardjadniya participated in Voice over Narration and A Bus To New Direction with curator Elham Pouriyamehr and Ozkan Golpinar for Framer Framed, to accompany the exhibition Crisis of History #3 – Beyond History in 2015.

His most important previous projects include: Venice Biennale 2013, Maldives Pavilion, 2014 Marrakech Biennale, Urban Fablab project; ‘In & Out Japan‘ (Experimental Cinema in Japan) at Eye Film Museum (2014) and ‘Movies that Matter’ Film Festival The Hague (2014), ‘LOCUS, Upcoming Iranian Artist’ at GEMAK (2014) CINEDOME at Erasmuspark A’dam west (2014). In 2013 he has initiated ‘This Is Not A Film Festival‘ in Amsterdam and in the same year he founded an ongoing project entitled CINEDOME, which functions as a tool for Cinema and education in a geodesic dome.  He is also the initiator of ‘A New Pavilion‘ at Venice Biennale 2012, Gathering Gathering Van AbbeMuseum curated by Clare Butcher 2010.

In 2000, he had to leave Iran as a political refugee due to his proclivities for art and activist practices, and has lived and worked in both Amsterdam and London since.


Exhibition: Crisis of History #3 - Beyond History

Curated by Robert Kluiver and Elham Puriyamehr


Narratives on Iran
An evening in collaboration with Cineblend and Dancing on the Edge.
Voice-over Noord
Performances and bustour through Amsterdam Noord.
Program surrounding the Crisis of History #3 exhibition
During the exhibition Crisis of History #3 - Beyond History there will be a special event on every Tuesday night with film screenings, lectures and guided tours.
