Anna Dasović
Anna Dasović is focused on the rhetorical structures that make genocidal violence visible, and those deployed to obscure the politically inconvenient aspects of such conflicts. With a background in photography, Dasović now uses an interdisciplinary approach with archival research, fieldwork, and interviews to create video installations. Her work, often the result of long term engagements, with video montages, sound or text-based works, defy a fixed medium.
The exhibition From what will we reassemble ourselves (2020) was conceived by Anna Dasović in response to an invitation by Framer Framed to present a body of work she has been developing for years centered on the representation of the genocide which occurred in and around Srebrenica. Anna is also one of the participating artists of the exhibition.
- Contemporary LYNX - From what will we reassemble ourselves
- De Witte Raaf - From what will we reassemble ourselves?
- Het Parool - Uit welke brokstukken stel je een leven samen na genocide
- Volkskrant - Four years to obtain the video's of Dutchbat soldiers
- Mister Motley - In de sporen van Srebrenica
- Trouw - Een nieuw perspectief op Srebrenica
- Jegens en Tevens - Onder ogen komen - Srebrenica is Nederlandse geschiedenis