Exhibition: Iran’s Women’s Movement - On the Archive of Sadiqe Dowlatabadi
An exhibition on the emergence of the women’s movement in Iran, at the beginning of the 20th century. Curated by Azadeh Fatehrad

Exhibition: Koempels
50 years since the closing of the mines in the South of The Netherlands, we present the lingering traces of this fossil fuel era on contemporary art. Curator: Lene ter Haar

Exhibition: Ancestral Blues - Return to the State of L3
A research on a hybrid Transatlantic culture curated by Vincent van Velsen

Exhibition: Common Ground
Featuring work by Charl Landvreugd and Antonio Jose Guzman

Exhibition: Simuda Nyuma - Forward Ever Backward Never
A contemporary interpretation of missing documents in an Ugandan archive of Ham Mukasa. Curated by Robinah Nansubug and Andrea Stultiens

Exhibition: Embodied Spaces
An exhibition curated by Christine Eyene on the body, gender and identity.