Z! and Arts of the Working Class: Co-publication of Amsterdam and Berlin street newspapers in collaboration with Framer Framed
This summer, the two street newspapers Z! (Amsterdam) and Arts of the Working Class (Berlin) published a joint issue in both cities in collaboration with Framer Framed.
A number of articles in Z! highlight socially engaged artists and researchers with whom Framer Framed collaborates. Sun Chang, for instance, set up the social and artistic research project to M*Others in our second project space Werkplaats Molenwijk, where she worked with local residents of Amsterdam-Noord. René Boer, who researches cities and urban architecture, will soon start a fellowship programme co-organised by Framer Framed and the Political Science Department of the University of Amsterdam. Lastly, during her stay as artist-in-residence at Werkplaats Molenwijk, Golrokh Nafisi collaborated with Ahmadali Kadivar on their publication Walvistraan. This richly illustrated account of de Molenwijk area’s human and non-human history is now on sale in our webshop and bookstore.
Arts of the Working Class presents an interview between Z! and Framer Framed, discussing the need for cooperation between social and cultural fields. The interview can also be read online.
Curious about the outcome of this collaboration between Z!, Arts of the Working Class and Framer Framed? The joint edition is on sale until 9 August at your local street paper vendor in Amsterdam for the price of one paper (€2.50).
Action Research / Citizenship / Community & Learning /

René Boer
Curator, Critic

Sun Chang

Ahmadali Kadivar