About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Publicatie: Photographs of the Netherlands East Indies at the Tropenmuseum, KIT

Book launch: What is Colonial Photography?

The Tropenmuseum in Amsterdam is organizing a debate on September 13, 2012 with the title What is colonial in colonial photography?. During the debate, the fourth book on the collection of the museum, will be presented. The book Photographs of the Netherlands East Indies at the Tropenmuseum – published by KIT Publishers – is written by Janneke van Dijk, Rob Jongmans, Anouk Mansfeld, Steven Vink and Pim Westerkamp.

Photography / Shared Heritage / Indonesia / Colonial history /


Pim Westerkamp

Pim Westerkamp

Curator, Author

Edy Seriese

Director Indian Scientific Institute (IWI)

Wim Manuhutu

PhD Candidate