Feminism / Performance / Podcast /
Podcast: Armenian Lullabies - A Journey Through Voice and Memory

Caribbean / Colonial history / Open Call / Residencies /

Politics and technology / Subversive Publishing / Workshop /
Online Critical Reflection, a Fable from the Past?

Podcast / Politics and technology / Subversive Publishing /
Podcast: Going Hybrid - A Deep Dive into Cultural Publishing and Programming

Extracurricular Activities / Community & Learning / Education / Feminism / Workshop /
ELANCE: Midzomer Mokum 2023

Amsterdam Noord / Molenwijk / Residencies /
Golrokh Nafisi is the new Artist in Residence at the Werkplaats Molenwijk

CICC / Southeast Asia /
CICC: Extinction Wars selected by Monthly Art for exhibition award

Amsterdam Noord / Molenwijk / Residencies / Social Practice / Textile /
A dialogue of embroidery: from Kosovo to Molenwijk with Jakup Ferri

Ecology / Extractivism / Colonial history /
Sacrificial Energy by Rose-Anne Gush

Collectives / Indonesia / Podcast / Social Practice /
Podcast: Art in Solidarity - Taring Padi’s 25-Year Artistic Evolution

Amsterdam Oost / Education / East Asia / Social Practice / Workshop /